SWOSU Student Camille Goerend Wins Grand Prize at Oklahoma Research Day at the Capitol
SWOSU student Camille M. Goerend of Weatherford won the overall grand prize at the recent 27th annual Oklahoma Research Day at the Capitol. Goerend becomes SWOSU’s fourth grand prize winner since the inception of the Oklahoma Research Day at the Capitol event. Congratulating her is Oklahoma House of Representative Anthony Moore of Clinton.
For the second straight year, a Southwestern Oklahoma State University student in Weatherford has won the overall grand prize at the 27th annual Oklahoma Research Day at the Capitol.
Camille Goerend of Weatherford took top honors at the event held March 29 in Oklahoma City. Goerend becomes SWOSU’s fourth grand prize winner since the inception of the Oklahoma Research Day at the Capitol event.
Goerend won a $5,000 stipend to continue research during the upcoming summer. Her research topic is “Antibacterial Target.” Her faculty mentor is Dr. Vijay Somalinga, assistant professor in the SWOSU Department of Biological Sciences. The complete title of the project is: b-Carbonic Anhydrase – A potential novel antibacterial target against Rhodococcus equi, the causative agent of pneumonia in foals.
As a component of the event, students presented their work to an independent panel of judges. The panel selected the top seven researchers in three categories—one overall winner, three regional university winners, and three research-intensive institution winners.
“This competition involved the top 21 undergraduate student researchers in the state, and we are extremely pleased for Camille and SWOSU, said Dr. Lori Gwyn, director of the SWOSU Office of Sponsored Programs.
Previous SWOSU grand prize winners are Courtney Garcia in 2011, Madison Duckwall in 2017 and Emily Bedea in 2021.
Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education and the National Science Foundation sponsor this event.