It is well known that college is not cheap. Going through the extra schooling to get a degree is very beneficial for one’s career, but it comes with lots of expenses. From tuition to housing to food,...
A Master quilter is loaning the Hilltop Theatre several pieces form his collection as well as a special quilting frame for the musical "Quilters." The musical will be perform on March 7th – March...
In a new series called “4/20,” The Southwestern Video Reporter Johannes Becht is covering the topic of marijuana in Oklahoma, its opportunities, its risks and its consequences. With the chances of...
The COPS program is part of the Parks and Wildlife Law Enforcement degree at SWOSU with the option for students to obtain their CLEET certification which qualifies to be a certified law enforcement...
Rachel Masson, Co-editor-in-chief
• December 21, 2021
Rachel Masson sits down with Tau Kappa Epsilon philanthropy chair Zane Everett to discuss the TKE Jump-A-Thon fundraiser for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
"The Monkey’s Paw," a classic horror story, will be presented by the SWOSU Department of Communication, Art & Theatre on the Weatherford campus.
The show is set for Homecoming Weekend and will...