Sitting in the audience, I couldn’t wipe my smile off my face. This play is cleary geared to younger audiences, so call me childish if you’d like, but I loved it.
As soon as I walked in and was handed a program I was giddy; inside, a word search filled with character names and plot details. Rushing to find a seat and start the puzzle I was halted by the beauty of the set, filled with color, with so many little details and creative props I wanted to stare and admire every shingle on the facade.
The show, like its name, is a little weird, but in the best way possible. You follow Clutterbuck (Sam Coleman) and Slippenchuck (Kimmy Jones), natives to the mythical land of Krodonia, and their adventure with Sam the American (Boone Hardaway) and Maya the American (Jessica Villalpando) as they navigate criminals, small businesses, mothers, and puppet shows. My only concern was that the blue dye used on the actors wouldn’t wash off, but after speaking with the cast, my fears were relieved.
Funny, witty, childish, and unexpectedly inappropriate at times, I enjoyed every minute of this play, which only turned out to be around 30 minutes. Next time this graces the Hilltop I recommend scooping up some kids and taking a trip to Krodina. In the meantime, the next play, Kodachrome, is having auditions this week! So if you want to be on stage instead of in the audience, auditions will be at the Hilltop Theatre this Tuesday and Wednesday.