The Fellowship of Christian Athletes has made its return to campus after being put on hold due to COVID. 


FCA has now been meeting since the Fall 2021 semester. The organization is open not just for athletes but anyone who would like to grow in their faith and enjoy fellowship with the community around them.  


“The big picture is to lead this nation in Christ,” said Ashtyn McAdoo, FCA president. “The smaller picture that we focus on as a student organization is giving a chance for fellowship in the community.”  


FCA usually meets on Monday nights for studying, worship, devotionals, games and whatever else the students see fit.  


“The biggest thing we want recognized is that anyone can come and not just athletes here on campus,” McAdoo said. 


The organization has traditionally held a big event at least once a semester. An example of an event they have done previously is Courts for Christ with guest speaker and founder of Hope is Alive, Lance Lang.  


As for the future, COVID put a slight setback in all planning and the organization itself. McAdoo mentioned that the club is still in the planning phase for actual events and fundraising. However, FCA is back on campus and hoping to expand awareness and participation