Finals week is upon us, for most college students this means late nights, lots of caffeine, and lots of hours studying. As finals week begins it is important to remember how to take care of yourself (and your grades) as we wrap up the semester.
Finals week is a busy time for everyone on campus, from students to professors, and administration. Tests are being taken, late work is being crammed in, and professors have much grading to do. The stress and rush of finals season can put a lot of pressure on everyone on campus.

Prepping for finals week can look different for everyone. That could mean lots of studying in the Al Harris Library or at your favorite coffee shop. You could destress with a walk outside, a self-care night, or hanging out with friends. Maybe your finals week is spent completing the tasks that you have been putting off all semester. Or maybe this is your final semester as a bulldog and you are preparing to move out of Weatherford.
Whatever situation you find yourself in this semester remember to take care of your finals you need to take care of yourself. Don’t forget to give yourself plenty of study breaks, and fuel your body.